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Class DsUtilitiesV7

DsUtilitiesV7 is a Class that offers an API for DS-Specification 7.0

Instances of this class can be created with following static functions of this library:

Below you can find the API functions provided by this class (categorized by functionality).

// following DsUtilitiesV7 instance is used in the code examples below
const myDsUtilitiesV7 = DsUtil.getDsUtilitiesForDsSpecVersion("7.0");


  • DsUtilitiesBase
    • DsUtilitiesV7



extractSdoVersionNumber: (schemaVersionValue: string) => string = extractSdoVersionNumber

Type declaration

    • (schemaVersionValue: string): string
    • Extracts the schema.org version number (as string) from the given schema.org version URL.

      This function accepts URLs with following formats (any protocol variant is allowed - http/https):

      • "https://schema.org/docs/releases.html#v10.0" -> "10.0"
      • "https://schema.org/version/3.4/" -> "3.4"
      // "12.0"


      • schemaVersionValue: string

        a URL specifying a schema.org version

      Returns string

      The version number as a string

getDsSpecificationVersion: (ds: DsGeneric) => string = getDsSpecificationVersion

Type declaration

    • (ds: DsGeneric): string
    • Identifies the used DS-Specification version used by the given Domain Specification.

      const usedVersion = myDsUtilities.getDsSpecificationVersion(exampleDs);
      // "7.0" (assuming the given DS 'exampleDs' uses DsV7)


      • ds: DsGeneric

        The input Domain Specification

      Returns string

      The detected DS-Specification version

getDsUtilitiesVersion: () => "7.0" = getDsUtilitiesVersion

Type declaration

    • (): "7.0"
    • Returns the used DS-Specification version of this DS-Utilities instance, which is "7.0".

      DS-Utilities instances are always bound to a specific DS-Specification version.

      const dsSpecificationVersion = myDsUtilitiesV7.getDsUtilitiesVersion();
      // "7.0"

      Returns "7.0"


getDataTypeLabel: (dsDataType: DataTypeDsV7) => string = getDataTypeLabel

Type declaration

    • Returns a human-readable label for the given DS-DataType.

      DS-DataTypes are listed in the DS-V7 Specification in the XSD column.

      const labelBool = myDsUtilitiesV7.getDataTypeLabel("xsd:boolean");
      // "Boolean"
      const labelLangString = myDsUtilitiesV7.getDataTypeLabel("rdf:langString");
      // "Localized Text"


      • dsDataType: DataTypeDsV7

        a compacted IRI representing a DataType of DS-V7 (from XSD or RDF, e.g. "xsd:string" or "rdf:langString")

      Returns string

      a human-readable label for the given DataType

getDsAuthorName: (ds: DsV7) => string | undefined = getDsAuthorName

Type declaration

    • (ds: DsV7): string | undefined
    • Returns the author name of the given DS.

      schema:author is optional in DS-V7.

      const name = myDsUtilitiesV7.getDsAuthorName(exampleDs);
      // "John Doe"


      • ds: DsV7

        the input Domain Specification

      Returns string | undefined

      The author name of the given DS, if any

getDsDescription: (ds: DsV7, language?: string) => string | undefined = getDsDescription

Type declaration

    • (ds: DsV7, language?: string): string | undefined
    • Returns the description of the given DS for a language (there could be descriptions in different languages).

      schema:description is optional in DS-V7.

      const description = myDsUtilitiesV7.getDsDescription(exampleDs);
      // "This is an example Domain Specification."
      const descriptionSpanish = myDsUtilitiesV7.getDsDescription(exampleDs, "es");
      // "Esta es una DS ejemplar."


      • ds: DsV7

        the input Domain Specification

      • Optional language: string

        the wished language for the description

      Returns string | undefined

      The description of the given DS, if any

getDsExternalVocabularies: (ds: DsV7) => string[] = getDsExternalVocabularies

Type declaration

    • (ds: DsV7): string[]
    • Returns the used external vocabularies of the given DS.

      ds:usedVocabulary is optional in DS-V7.

      const name = myDsUtilitiesV7.getDsExternalVocabularies(exampleDs);
      // [ "https://semantify.it/voc/IaiA2RES_" ]


      • ds: DsV7

        the input Domain Specification

      Returns string[]

      Array with the used external vocabularies (empty if none)

getDsName: (ds: DsV7, language?: string) => string | undefined = getDsName

Type declaration

    • (ds: DsV7, language?: string): string | undefined
    • Returns the name of the given DS for a language (there could be names in different languages).

      schema:name is optional in DS-V7.

      const name = myDsUtilitiesV7.getDsName(exampleDs);
      // "Example DS"
      const nameSpanish = myDsUtilitiesV7.getDsName(exampleDs, "es");
      // "DS ejemplar"


      • ds: DsV7

        the input Domain Specification

      • Optional language: string

        the wished language for the name

      Returns string | undefined

      The name of the given DS, if any

getDsSchemaVersion: (ds: DsV7) => string = getDsSchemaVersion

Type declaration

    • (ds: DsV7): string
    • Returns the used schema.org version of the given DS.

      schema:schemaVersion is mandatory in DS-V7.

      const sdoVersion = myDsUtilitiesV7.getDsSchemaVersion(exampleDs);
      // "11.0"


      • ds: DsV7

        the input Domain Specification

      Returns string

      The schema.org version identifier as string, e.g. "11.0"

getDsTargetClasses: (ds: DsV7) => string[] = getDsTargetClasses

Type declaration

    • (ds: DsV7): string[]
    • Returns the target classes of the given DS.

      sh:targetClass is optional in DS-V7.

      const targetClasses = myDsUtilitiesV7.getDsTargetClasses(exampleDs);
      // [ "schema:Hotel", "schema:Restaurant" ]


      • ds: DsV7

        the input Domain Specification

      Returns string[]

      Array with the target classes (empty if none)

getDsVersion: (ds: DsV7) => string | undefined = getDsVersion

Type declaration

    • (ds: DsV7): string | undefined
    • Returns the version of the given DS (the version of the DS instance itself).

      schema:version is optional in DS-V7.

      const version = myDsUtilitiesV7.getDsVersion(exampleDs);
      // "1.00"


      • ds: DsV7

        the input Domain Specification

      Returns string | undefined

      The ds version as string, e.g. "1.04"

prettyPrintCompactedIRIs: (compactedIRIs: string | string[]) => string = prettyPrintCompactedIRIs

Type declaration

    • (compactedIRIs: string | string[]): string
    • Returns the "pretty" version of a compacted IRI (single IRI or array of IRIs). If an IRI belongs to schema.org, then the IRI is returned without the schema: vocabulary indicator.

      const targetClasses = [ "schema:Hotel", "ex:SkiLift" ];
      const prettifiedTargetClasses = myDsUtilities.prettyPrintCompactedIRIs(targetClasses);
      // "Hotel + ex:SkiLift"

      const property = "schema:description";
      const prettifiedProperty = myDsUtilities.prettyPrintCompactedIRIs(property);
      // "description"


      • compactedIRIs: string | string[]

        the input IRI or array of IRIs

      Returns string

      The pretty-string for the given input


generateInnerNodeId: (ds?: DsV7) => string = generateInnerNodeId

Type declaration

    • (ds?: DsV7): string
    • Creates a new fragment-id according to the DS-V7 specification.

      It is possible to pass a Domain Specification as parameter to ensured that the generated fragment-id has not been used in the given DS yet.

      const newFragmentId = myDsUtilitiesV7.generateInnerNodeId(exampleDs);
      // "AfgGa"


      • Optional ds: DsV7

        the input Domain Specification

      Returns string

      A new the fragment-id

getDsDataTypeForSchemaDataType: (schemaDataType: DataTypeSchemaV7) => DataTypeDsV7 = getDsDataTypeForSchemaDataType

Type declaration

    • Returns the corresponding DS-V7 datatype (XSD/RDF) for a given schema.org datatype, according to the DsV7-DataType-Mapping.

      ATTENTION: for schema:Text the value xsd:string is always returned (no rdf:langString or rdf:HTML)

      const dsDataType = myDsUtilitiesV7.getDsDataTypeForSchemaDataType("schema:URL");
      // "xsd:anyURI"


      • schemaDataType: DataTypeSchemaV7

        a compacted IRI representing a DataType of schema.org (e.g. schema:Text)

      Returns DataTypeDsV7

      the corresponding DS-V7 Datatype (from XSD or RDF)

getDsId: (ds: DsV7) => string = getDsId

Type declaration

    • (ds: DsV7): string
    • Returns the @id of the given DS (for DS-V7 this @id is found in the root node).

      An @id is mandatory in DS-V7.

      const dsId = myDsUtilitiesV7.getDsId(exampleDs);
      // "https://semantify.it/ds/_1hRVOT8Q"


      • ds: DsV7

        the input Domain Specification

      Returns string

      The @id of the given Domain Specification

getDsRootNode: (ds: DsV7) => RootNodeV7 = getDsRootNode

Type declaration

    • (ds: DsV7): RootNodeV7
    • Returns a reference to the root node of the given Domain Specification.

      const rootNode = myDsUtilitiesV7.getDsRootNode(exampleDs);
      // returns a JS object reference to the root node


      • ds: DsV7

        The input Domain Specification

      Returns RootNodeV7

      The root node of the given Domain Specification

getDsStandardContext: () => ContextV7 = getDsStandardContext

Type declaration

    • (): ContextV7
    • example
      const standardContext = myDsUtilitiesV7.getDsStandardContext();
      // returns the DS-V7 standard @context as JS object

      Returns ContextV7

      The standard @context for DS-V7

getSchemaDataTypeForDsDataType: (dsDataType: DataTypeDsV7) => DataTypeSchemaV7 = getSchemaDataTypeForDsDataType

Type declaration

    • Returns the corresponding schema.org datatype (XSD/RDF) for a given DS-V7 datatype, according to the DsV7-DataType-Mapping.

      const schemaDataType = myDsUtilitiesV7.getSchemaDataTypeForDsDataType("xsd:anyURI");
      // "schema:URL"


      • dsDataType: DataTypeDsV7

        a compacted IRI representing a DataType of DS-V7 (from XSD or RDF, e.g. xsd:string or rdf:langString)

      Returns DataTypeSchemaV7

      The corresponding schema.org Datatype, e.g. schema:URL

identifyDsGrammarNodeType: (dsNode: DsNodeGeneric, ds: DsV7, followReference: boolean, sdoAdapter?: SDOAdapter) => DsGrammarNodeTypeV7 = identifyDsGrammarNodeType

Type declaration

    • (dsNode: DsNodeGeneric, ds: DsV7, followReference: boolean, sdoAdapter?: SDOAdapter): DsGrammarNodeTypeV7
    • Returns the grammar-type of the given DS-Node within the given Populated Domain Specification.

      It is possible to pass an SDO-Adapter to tell a standard enumeration apart from a standard class. If no SDO-Adapter is given, a standard class is assumed.

      If a reference node is passed and the parameter followReference is set to true, then the grammar type of the referenced node is returned (e.g. internal reference that points to a Restricted Class -> RestrictedClass) instead of the type of the reference node itself.

      The possible DS-Grammar Node types are listed in the documentation of PathTokenObjectV7.

      const nodeDsGrammarType = myDsUtilitiesV7.identifyDsGrammarNodeType(exampleNode, exampleDs, true);
      // "RestrictedClass" - assume 'exampleNode' is a Restricted Class Node


      • dsNode: DsNodeGeneric

        the input DS Node

      • ds: DsV7

        the input DS (populated)

      • followReference: boolean

        if true, the type of the referenced node is returned, instead of the type of the reference

      • Optional sdoAdapter: SDOAdapter

        A SDO-Adapter instance (already initialized with the wished vocabularies)

      Returns DsGrammarNodeTypeV7

      the type of the given node

reorderDs: (ds: DsV7) => void = reorderDs

Type declaration

    • (ds: DsV7): void
    • Reorders the attributes of all nodes of the given Domain Specification according to their order in the Key-Value tables in the DsV7-Specification.



      • ds: DsV7

        the input Domain Specification

      Returns void

reorderDsNode: (dsNode: DsNodeGeneric) => void = reorderDsNode

Type declaration

    • (dsNode: DsNodeGeneric): void
    • Reorders the attributes of the given DS-Node according to their order in the Key-Value table in the DsV7-Specification.

      The corresponding node type is detected automatically. Works only for certain ds grammar node types.



      • dsNode: DsNodeGeneric

        the input node from a Domain Specification

      Returns void


dsPathAddition: (dsPath: string, additionType: PathGrammarNodeTypeV7, inputForPath?: string | string[]) => string = dsPathAddition

Type declaration

    • (dsPath: string, additionType: PathGrammarNodeTypeV7, inputForPath?: string | string[]): string
    • Appends a new token to a given DS-Path.

      A DS-Path can be initialized with the function dsPathInit().

      The inputForPath-parameter and the resulting addition to the DS-Path depend on the token type (parameter additionType) to be added:

      • additionType = Property -> inputForPath must be the IRI of the Property, e.g. schema:url
      • additionType = DataType -> inputForPath must be the IRI of the DataType, e.g. xsd:string
      • additionType = Class or Enumeration -> inputForPath must be the IRIs of classes/enumeration as array, e.g. [ "schema:Room", "schema:Product" ] or [ "schema:DayOfWeek" ]
      • additionType = RootReference -> inputForPath is not needed
      • additionType = InternalReference -> inputForPath must be the @id of the internal node, e.g. https://semantify.it/ds/_1hRVOT8Q#sXZwe
      • additionType = ExternalReference -> inputForPath must be the @id of the external node, e.g. https://semantify.it/ds/_1hRVOT8Q
      • additionType = InternalExternalReference -> inputForPath must be the @id of the internal node from an external node, e.g. https://semantify.it/ds/_1hRVOT8Q#sXZwe
      const oldPath = "$.schema:address";
      const newPath = myDsUtilitiesV7.dsPathAddition(oldPath, "Class", [ "schema:PostalAddress" ] );
      // "$.schema:address/schema:PostalAddress"


      • dsPath: string

        the given DS-Path to augment

      • additionType: PathGrammarNodeTypeV7

        the kind of addition to be added

      • Optional inputForPath: string | string[]

        input that depends on the given additionType, which is used for the dsPath addition

      Returns string

      the resulting DS-Path

dsPathGetNode: (ds: DsV7, dsPath: string, resolveReference?: boolean) => DsNodeV7 = dsPathGetNode

Type declaration

    • (ds: DsV7, dsPath: string, resolveReference?: boolean): DsNodeV7
    • Returns the corresponding node within the given Domain Specification based on the given DS-Path. (As reference, not as deep copy)

      The parameter resolveReference (default = false) allows to set the behaviour with reference nodes: If true, and the last token of the path is a reference node, then the referenced objected will be returned. Else the reference object will be returned.

      const targetNode = myDsUtilitiesV7.dsPathGetNode(exampleDs, "$.schema:address/schema:PostalAddress");
      // the resolved target node is a class node for "schema:PostalAddress" within the Domain Specification "exampleDs"


      • ds: DsV7

        The input Domain Specification

      • dsPath: string

        The input DS-Path

      • resolveReference: boolean = false

        If true, and the last token of the path is a reference node, then the referenced objected will be returned. Else the referencing object will be returned.

      Returns DsNodeV7

      The node at the given DS-Path (by reference)

dsPathIdentifyNodeType: (dsNode: DsNodeGeneric, ds: DsV7) => PathGrammarNodeTypeV7 = dsPathIdentifyNodeType

Type declaration

    • (dsNode: DsNodeGeneric, ds: DsV7): PathGrammarNodeTypeV7
    • Returns the DS-Path-type of the given DS-Node within the given Domain Specification. The syntax and @id of the given node are analyzed to determine its DS-Path-type.

      The different DS-Path-types (a.k.a. DS-Path-token-type) are listed in the documentation of PathTokenObjectV7.

      const nodeType = myDsUtilitiesV7.dsPathIdentifyNodeType(exampleDsNode, exampleDs);
      // "InternalReference" (assuming the given exampleDsNode is such an internal reference)


      • dsNode: DsNodeGeneric

        the input DS-Node

      • ds: DsV7

        the input Domain Specification

      Returns PathGrammarNodeTypeV7

      the DS-Path-type of the given node

dsPathInit: (nodeType?: PathGrammarNodeTypeV7, nodeId?: string) => string = dsPathInit

Type declaration

    • (nodeType?: PathGrammarNodeTypeV7, nodeId?: string): string
    • Initializes a DS-Path, based on the given input parameter.

      Keep in mind that paths can only start with a @graph-node (a DS-Node that resides directly in the @graph array of the Domain Specification), the only exception is the @context path. Details about the different reference types can be found in the DS-V7 Documentation.

      The parameter nodeType (default = "RootNode") must be one of the following:

      • "RootNode": The DS-Path starts at the root node of the Domain Specification, this is the standard.
      • "InternalReferenceDefinition": The DS-Path starts with an internal reference definition.
      • "ExternalReferenceDefinition": The DS-Path starts with an external reference definition.
      • "InternalExternalReferenceDefinition": The DS-Path starts with an internal reference definition of an external reference.
      • "Context": The DS-Path points to the @context of the Domain Specification.

      The parameter nodeId must be used if the DS-Path starts with a reference definition, and the value for this parameter is the @id of that reference definition, e.g. "https://semantify.it/ds/_1hRVOT8Q".

      The newly created DS-Path can be augmented with the function dsPathAddition().

      const newDsPath1 = myDsUtilitiesV7.dsPathInit(); // nodeType defaults to "RootNode"
      // "$"
      const newDsPath2 = myDsUtilitiesV7.dsPathInit("InternalExternalReferenceDefinition", "https://semantify.it/ds/_1hRVOT8Q#lwioY");
      // "_1hRVOT8Q#lwioY"


      • nodeType: PathGrammarNodeTypeV7 = PGN.root

        the node type of the initial token, defaults to "RootNode"

      • Optional nodeId: string

        the id of the node which starts the DS-path. Can be left blank in case of "RootNode" or "Context"

      Returns string

      the generated DS-Path

tokenizeDsPath: (ds: DsV7, dsPath: string) => PathTokenObjectV7[] = tokenizeDsPath

Type declaration

    • Returns an array of objects, representing the tokens of a given DS-Path.

      There is a dedicated documentation for such a DS-Path-Token-Object.

      const dsPathTokens = myDsUtilitiesV7.tokenizeDsPath(exampleDs, "$.schema:creditText/xsd:string");
      // creates an array with 3 DS-Path-Token-Objects, each one representing a token of the given DS-Path


      • ds: DsV7

        The input Domain Specification

      • dsPath: string

        The input DS-Path

      Returns PathTokenObjectV7[]

      an Array of path-tokens based on the given input


checkClassMatch: (targetClasses: string[], classesToCheck: string[], sdoAdapter: SDOAdapter) => boolean = checkClassMatch

Type declaration

    • (targetClasses: string[], classesToCheck: string[], sdoAdapter: SDOAdapter): boolean
    • Returns true if the given classes are a valid match for the given targetClasses following the DS-V7 semantics.

      This matching is important for the Class-SubClass relationship (e.g. subDS, or range subclass)

      This function needs the SDO-Adapter library to work. The given sdoAdapter must be already initialized with the wished vocabularies.

      const isMatch = myDsUtilitiesV7.checkClassMatch(
      [ "schema:LodgingBusiness" ],
      [ "schema:Hotel" ],
      // "true" - (Hotel is a subclass of LodgingBusiness)


      • targetClasses: string[]

        The target classes (DS)

      • classesToCheck: string[]

        The classes to be checked (Data)

      • sdoAdapter: SDOAdapter

        A SDO-Adapter instance

      Returns boolean

      true if the given classes to check are valid for the given target classes

verifyDs: (ds: DsV7, config?: VerificationConfigV7) => VerificationReportV7 = verifyDs

Type declaration

    • Verifies if the given Domain Specification complies to the DS-V7 specification.

      It is possible to pass a config object to this verification, where the expected grammar of the DS can be configured. This function returns a meta verification report.

      const verificationReport = myDsUtilitiesV7.verifyDs(exampleDs);
      // returns a verification report for the exampleDs


      • ds: DsV7

        the input Domain Specification

      • config: VerificationConfigV7 = {}

        config object with options for the meta verification

      Returns VerificationReportV7

      verification report