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API documentation

This is the technical API documentation for the ds-utilities library.


The readme explains the installation, loading and basic usage of this library. In any case, it is expected that the variable DsUtil references the library.


const { DsUtil } = require('ds-utilities');
// or
import { DsUtil } from 'ds-utilities';


<script src="/dist/ds-utilities.min.js"></script>
<!--Global variable 'DsUtil' is available-->


The ds-utilities library itself (called DsUtil from now on) provides following static functions:

The function .getAvailableVersions() returns an array of available DS-Specification versions that are supported by this library, e.g. "5.0" or "7.0".

The other two functions allow the creation of DsUtilities instances. A DsUtilities instance is always bound to a particular DS-Specification version. While .getDsUtilitiesForDsSpecVersion() creates a DsUtilities instance based on the given DS-Specification version number, the function .getDsUtilitiesForDs() automatically detects the used DS-Specification version number of the given Domain Specification.

In the following common use-case, the DS-Utilities instance myDsUtilities is created for a particular DS-Specification version:

const myDsUtilities = DsUtil.getDsUtilitiesForDsSpecVersion("7.0");

After the initialization of myDsUtilities, its API can be used to retrieve information about Domain Specifications that use DS-Specification version "7.0". Check the reference pages for the different DS-Utilities versions to discover their API:

There are many more methods, options and functionalities to use! Explore them in the index page.